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Accueil › Forums › Discussion générale › Feeling Minnesota by Timothy Watts – PDF download
Feeling Minnesota
by Timothy Watts, Timothy Watts
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About The Book
His name is Jjaks. It was supposed to be Jack, but they got it wrong on his birth certificate. It wasn’t the only thing to go wrong in Jjaks’s life. The way his brother, Sam, treated him, that was wrong. The way his mother sent him packing when he was eight, that was wrong. The way he just can’t seem to get an honest job and stay out of prison, that’s very wrong. Only one thing feels right. His brother’s new wife, Freddie, feels very right. She doesn’t like Sam too much either. So the two of them are ditching Sam and hitting the road, together. But Freddie wants some money. And she knows where Sam keeps it hidden. And she wants Jjaks to go back and get it. And things are going very, very wrong.
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