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Accueil › Forums › Discussion générale › (FB2) Introduction to Computer Science — 9780314045652
Introduction to Computer Science
Programming, Problem Solving, and Data Structures
by Thomas L. Naps, Douglas W. Nance
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About The Book
Alternate version of Nance, Naps Introduction to Computer Science with Pascal for the CS1 and CS2 sequence. Pascal Programming is reorganized to stress earlier coverage of procedures, parameters, and functions before loops and conditional statements, and at a faster pace. The first half [Nance, Pascal 3rd Alt. Edition (04361-6)] and second half [Naps, Program Design and Data Structures (93308-5)] of this text are available in paperback.
Hardcover ebook Introduction to Computer Science Thomas L. Naps Mac. FB2 book Introduction to Computer Science buy on Amazon. MP3 Introduction to Computer Science by Thomas L. Naps download.
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