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    Lyn Sinny

    Computational Number Theory and Modern Cryptography
    by Song Y. Yan

    🔥 Computational Number Theory and Modern Cryptography ~ READ MORE 🔥

    • Language: english
    • Format: hardcover, 418 pages
    • Release date: February 6, 2013
    • Publisher: Wiley
    • Author: Song Y. Yan
    • ISBN: 9781118188583 (1118188586)

    About The Book

    The only book to provide a unified view of the interplay betweencomputational number theory and cryptography Computational number theory and modern cryptography are two ofthe most important and fundamental research fields in informationsecurity. In this book, Song Y. Yang combines knowledge of thesetwo critical fields, providing a unified view of the relationshipsbetween computational number theory and cryptography. The authortakes an innovative approach, presenting mathematical ideas first, thereupon treating cryptography as an immediate application of themathematical concepts. The book also presents topics from numbertheory, which are relevant for applications in public-keycryptography, as well as modern topics, such as coding and latticebased cryptography for post-quantum cryptography. The authorfurther covers the current research and applications for commoncryptographic algorithms, describing the mathematical problemsbehind these applications in a manner accessible to computerscientists and engineers.

    Makes mathematical problems accessible to computer scientistsand engineers by showing their immediate application

    Presents topics from number theory relevant for public-keycryptography applications

    Covers modern topics such as coding and lattice basedcryptography for post-quantum cryptography

    Starts with the basics, then goes into applications and areasof active research

    Geared at a global audience; classroom tested in North America, Europe, and Asia

    Incudes exercises in every chapter

    Instructor resources available on the book’s CompanionWebsite

    Computational Number Theory and Modern Cryptography isideal for graduate and advanced undergraduate students incomputer science, communications engineering, cryptography andmathematics. Computer scientists, practicing cryptographers, andother professionals involved in various security schemes will alsofind this book to be a helpful reference.

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