Teaching with Digital Video - read online · 9781564842664 - HandSpinner

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    Amy Martin

    Teaching with Digital Video
    Watch, Analyze, Create

    by Glen L. Bull, Lynn Bell

    🔥 Teaching with Digital Video • CLICK HERE 🔥

    • Format: paperback, 220 pages
    • Language: english
    • Author: Glen L. Bull, Lynn Bell
    • Publisher: ISTE
    • Release date: June 15, 2010
    • ISBN: 9781564842664 (1564842665)

    About The Book

    Teaching with Digital Video approaches digital video use by subject, showing educators how to effectively use digital video in four core curriculum areas: science, social studies, English language arts, and math. After explaining the unique advantages of digital video for each subject, the authors provide sample activities that can be used in the classroom. To aid implementation, each activity is presented in three parts: the content, aligned with standards including the NETS•S; the technology, which provides tips for using digital video; and the pedagogy, with instructional strategies that take advantage of video’s unique capabilities. In addition, the authors cover the tools and techniques needed to acquire, create, and communicate with digital video.

    TXT ebook Teaching with Digital Video by Glen L. Bull buy on IndieBound. FB2 book Teaching with Digital Video read for iPad. Hardcover Teaching with Digital Video download.

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