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Accueil › Forums › Discussion générale › Hostile Fire (Super Able Team) by Ken Rose — audiobook download – 9780373654024
Hostile Fire
(Super Able Team, #2)
by Ken Rose, Dick Stivers, Don Pendleton
About The Book
The war in Vietnam is over, but the battle rages on for Able Team. Only now the jungle fighting is in the hills of Orange County and enemy territory is Little Saigon, a refugee community ruled by the iron fist of General Sonny Trang.
Sonny’s activities are pure as the driven snow. The illegal kind. He’s doing business with a drug network hot-wired to Hanoi heavies, led by a communist colonel who’s brought her talent for torture to Southern California. But he’s also playing footsie with the CIA — shutting down all official channels to an indictment.
The President has only one option: he orders Carl Lyons and his men to return hostile fire… to crush Sonny and his Vietcong drug lords. This time America must win the war!
Online ebook Hostile Fire on Dymocks. EPUB book Hostile Fire Ken Rose buy on iPad. MOBI Hostile Fire by Ken Rose read online on Book Depository. TXT Hostile Fire download for Android.
From Scythia to Camelot: A Radical Reassessment of the Legends of King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, and the Holy Grail by C. Scott Littleton – 9780815335665
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