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Accueil › Forums › Discussion générale › (ePUB) Batman Confidential, Vol. 7 by Peter Milligan
Batman Confidential, Vol. 7
The Bat and the Beast
(Batman Confidential (Collected Editions), #7)
by Peter Milligan, Andy Clarke
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About The Book
When a powerful Russian crime kingpin known a the Tsar threatens to take over the Gotham City mob with the help of his strange associate, the Bear, Batman must travel to Moscow to take on these strange foes on their home turf. Will the Dark Knight be able to overcome these bizarre foes in an unfamiliar city where nothing is as it seems?
EPUB book Batman Confidential, Vol. 7 for Android on Kobo. Paperback Batman Confidential, Vol. 7 by Peter Milligan read online. TXT ebook Batman Confidential, Vol. 7 download Mac. FB2 ebook Batman Confidential, Vol. 7 Peter Milligan buy on Book Depository.
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