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Accueil › Forums › Discussion générale › (Audiobook) Dave Barry Is Not Taking This Sitting Down
Dave Barry Is Not Taking This Sitting Down
by Dave Barry
Dave Barry Is Not Taking This Sitting Down – READ MORE
About The Book
Pulitzer Prize-winning humorist Dave Barry is a pretty amiable guy. But lately, he’s been getting a little worked up. What could make a mild-mannered man of words so hot under the collar? Well, a lot of things — like bad public art, Internet millionaires, SUVs, Regis Philbin … and even bigger problems, like
• The slower-than-deceased-livestock left-lane drivers who apparently believe that the right lane is sacred and must never come in direct contact with tires
• The parent-misery quotient of last-minute school science fair projects
• Day trading and other careers that never require you to take off your bathrobe
• The plague of the low-flow toilets, which is so bad that even in Miami, where you can buy drugs just by opening your front door and yelling “Hey! I want some crack,” you can’t even sell your first born to get a normal-flushing toilet
Dave Barry is not taking any of this sitting down. He’s going to stand up for the rights of all Americans against ridiculously named specialty “ — chino” coffees and the IRS. Just as soon as he gets the darn toilet flushed.
From the Trade Paperback edition.
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