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The mixed up world of a boy with dyslexia
by Vanita Oelschlager, Joe Rossi
About The Book
Knees shows the ups and downs of life with dyslexia. We have done this book in the style and size of a chapter book so that younger children and older children at low reading levels can read what seems to be an older child’s book.
We cover dyslexia’s symptoms and the reasons school can be hard for dyslexics. We talk about some famous people who had or have dyslexia.
The book is endorsed by the head master of a school where many of the children have dyslexia. He has dyslexia himself.
TXT book Knees on Barnes & Noble. EPUB ebook Knees Vanita Oelschlager buy cheap on reader. Hardcover Knees download for Mac.
Absolute Hush | Sara Banerji | 9780552994989
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